BearNBear Incident Report — April 6th 2021

The BearNBear
2 min readApr 6, 2021

Some of you might have noticed our website was briefly taken down today. We have discovered an unexpected situation and took the time to resolve the anomaly. Sales have been resumed and continued on. We take community’s experience and project integrity seriously. Below is the incident report and our workaround to the issue.


  • One function is unexpectedly triggered
  • Both your BearNBearToken and miniBearToken remains the same and safe
  • New DAO contract will be launched and serve as oracle to serve the burning/rewards mechanism and introduce a new startingIndex determination formula.


On mainnet block height of 6322032 (Apr-06–2021 05:04:09 AM +UTC), we received notices from bscscan about an unexpected transaction on the BearNBearToken.sol. specifically the finalize() function. This accidentally makes

  1. The miniBearToken to start generating earlier than the original plan.
  2. It moves up the deadline for receiving bonus miniBearToken.
  3. Set the size of the community rewards pool(rewardPoolSize).
  4. Set BNB reward amount (burnRewards).

Since the reward pool is set fixed at the moment, all BNB accumulated on the contract is redirected to a safe pool which we designed at the first place to prevent harmful results for incidents like this.

Moving forward

After review and discussion internally, here is what we are going to do to maintain the integrity of the contract and respect the trust the community holds on us. We will launch a separated DAO contract to

  1. Serve as the oracle to execute the burning and rewards mechanism to make it function like the original one.
  2. Only the tier 1 purchased Bear would receive bonus miniBearToken on top of the base 4,170 mBT amount.
  3. Introduce a new setStartingIndex function which is an important parameter to designate the BearNBear tokens to its owner. We will launch the DAO smart contract soon with a new startingIndex determination formula as

`uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(incident_blockNumber-1)) % MAX_NFT_SUPPLY`

The BearNBear collection is selling faster than our wildest anticipation. Mona Lil’Bear appreciates the community’s support, and all other bears are eagerly awaited in their wrapped gift boxes. Thanks for your understanding and participation of the largest co-create NFT project on BSC together.

“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.”

— Leonardo da Vinci

Unleash your bear heart 🐻❤️
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The BearNBear

BearNBear is a NFT-based digital art collectibles created by anonymous artists, developers, and beautiful algorithms on Binance Smart Chain (BSC).